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Oferta de prácticas en NCR para estudiantes de master EMSE

NCR announces that the 2015/2016 internship program  to EMSE students

Anuncio. Enviado por colfi válido desde 31/07/2015 hasta 30/08/2015 (caducado)

NCR announces that the 2015/2016 internship program will now be open to EMSE students currently in their first or second year. This program includes two main components: an internship period and a master thesis period.

Internship.- The goal of the internship is to get to know NCR, its solutions and its way of doing things. Also, we expect the student to perform the initial phases of the project: elicit requirements in a cross-functional team, develop a high-level analysis, develop a high-level design, learn the technology and implement a graphical prototype of the suggested solution.

Master Thesis.- The goal of the master thesis is to develop the system using short, iterative and incremental itera-tions.

More information in the attached file.