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Inicio > Degree Programmes > Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering > Degree Programme Academic Committee

Degree Programme Academic Committee

Membership (adopted by School Board decision taken at meeting no. 123 on 6 May 2009)

Ex officio full members:

Functions and competences (adopted by School Board decision taken at meeting no. 123 on 6 May 2009)

  1. Submit to the Academic Policy Committee (APC), jointly with the departments involved in teaching the degree programme, and if agreed by the School or College Board, a proposal on an academic tutorship scheme for students.
  2. Submit to the APC a proposal on the organization of subjects by terms depending on annual results indicators and coordination criteria.
  3. Submit to the departments involved in teaching the degree programme a proposal on the organization of the schedule and the distribution of assessments and examinations.
  4. Assess and report to the APC possible overlaps between contents from different disciplines or unmet requirements for subsequent subjects.
  5. Draft reports on the recognition and transfer of credits for students from other degrees and on the best possible academic tracks for students that have credits recognized by the university as part of the receiving degree programme.
  6. Report to the APC and mediate in conflicts arising from teaching the degree programme.
  7. Draft the criteria for proposing and/or withdrawing optional subjects for inclusion in the annual degree programme teaching schedule.
  8. Establish, under exceptional circumstances, maximum admission limits for optional subjects.
  9. Assume any powers that are delegated to it by the APC or bestowed upon it under the regulations.
  10. Any duties attributed to it in the degree programme summary.

Appointed or elected members



Members appointed by Directors of Departments:

Faculty representatives:

Student representatives: