This suite is for use for master and doctorate courses and special seminars. It may also be used, albeit occasionally, for fifth- and sixth-year undergraduate degree subjects, provided there is a justified need. They will take least priority in the event of a clash of dates.
The room is to be used in the presence of the professor of the respective course only.
The seminar room should be booked at least a month in advance.
Should you wish to make a reservation or if you have any other query related to seminar room H-1004, contact the Computer Centre (reservas@fi.upm.es).
A Windows operating environment has been defined for the PCs, and a TCP/IP and X emulation package has been installed as the base software.
As the tools you intend to use will be integrated into the Computer Centre's Windows network, they should be networked and work on a Windows environment.
The software that you intend to use must be available to the Computer Centre. If the Computer Centre does not own the software, it should be supplied (manuals included) at least two weeks beforehand for proper installation and disk space planning.
For any software-related queries, contact Máximo Lagunilla (mlagunilla@fi.upm.es).