As stated in the UPM Facultad de Informática's Mission, Vision and Principles: "The Facultad de Informáticas's students are its key worth: all efforts will go into helping them to achieve their full potential in terms of both personal and professional development".
Following up this concern for our students, the undergraduate informatics engineering degree programme (2009 programme) has provided for the figure of the student academic tutor. The academic tutor will accompany students throughout their academic and personal development process for the duration of their degree course.
Tutors will work together with students to help them develop their ability to define academic and professional goals and plan their degree course studies so as to attain these goals. The tutor will empower students to learn where to look for help or information about any doubt or problem they come across, enabling them to discover and assess the different options available to them.
Tutors will meet with their students at least three times a year:
It is compulsory to attend all meetings called by tutors.
To enrol, students shall have to submit a report from their academic tutor when their attainment index (AI) is <0.5 and for the choice of optional subjects.
Attainment Index (AI) = no. of credits earned by the student in the last two terms/no. of credtis for which the student enrolled in the last two terms.