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Summer School on Digitalization

10 August - 24 August 2019 / Germany

Anuncio. Enviado por orex válido desde 12/03/2019 hasta 11/04/2019 (caducado)

Summer School course from 10 August to 24 August 2019 on Digital Transformation: Challenges and Impacts on Economy and Societywill be generously funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Travel expenses will partially be funded, too, the amount depending on the country the student comes from. Please let us know if you request detailed information.  More information / application


UEF Summer School

Anuncio. Enviado por orex válido desde 12/03/2019 hasta 11/04/2019 (caducado)

We are happy to welcome applications from your students to the UEF Summer School on 12-23 August 2019. Application period runs until 15 June 2019. The courses offered are available at The Summer School will be more than just taking a course: it is an excellent opportunity to experience an innovative and international learning environment . (...seguir leyendo)


Summer School Programs in Asia

Anuncio. Enviado por orex válido desde 12/03/2019 hasta 11/04/2019 (caducado)

Studying abroad is once-in-a-lifetime experience, and it's something that can positively impact both your personal and professional future. Many students who have studied abroad report afterwards that it was one of the best experiences in their whole life. By joining an international summer school program, you get to experience a new country, learn the basics of a new language, gain friends from . (...seguir leyendo)


Abierta Convocatoria Programa de Movilidad Hispano-Chino

Plazo hasta el 11 de marzo

Anuncio. Enviado por orex válido desde 27/02/2019 hasta 20/03/2019 (caducado)

Se trata de: Ayudas para facilitar el intercambio con la Universidad de Tongji Becas para el intercambio de alumnos de la UPM (TFG y TFM) en universidades excelentes de la RP China y Corea para un semestre académico. Para mayor información y Solicitudes Aquí


Abierta convocatoria SICUE 2019-2020

Plazo abierto hasta el 13 de marzo

Anuncio. Enviado por orex válido desde 20/02/2019 hasta 14/03/2019 (caducado)

Para más información consultar la web de la universidad.


Abierta convocatoria Summer Schools China 2019

Plazo hasta el 28 de febrero.

Anuncio. Enviado por orex válido desde 20/02/2019 hasta 22/03/2019 (caducado)

Más informacion en la pagina web.
