1st semester
103000825 - Statistical Data Analysis
103000826 - Machine Learning
103000827 - Data Processes
103000830 - Big Data
103000831 - Intelligent Systems
103000833 - Open Data And Knowledge Graphs
103000832 - Cloud Computing And Big Data Ecosystems Design
103000818 - Introduction To Innovation And Entrepreneurship Management
2nd semester
103000828 - Deep Learning
103000829 - Information Retrieval Extraction And Integration
103000834 - Graph Analysis And Social Networks
103000835 - Ai And Legal Social And Ethical Aspects
103000821 - Entrepreneurship And Business Modelling
103000820 - I And E Seminars
103000822 - Launching Of Ict Product/services To The Market
103000823 - Summer School
3rd semester
103000824 - I And E Study
103000836 - Data Management And Knowledge In Health
103000819 - Introduction To Technology Watch And Competitive Intelligence
103000837 - E Health: Promoting Active And Healthy Ageing
103000838 - Medical Time Series Data Mining
103000840 - Devices And Biometric Aplications For E-health
103000839 - Complex Data In Health