International students in mobility programs
Acceso a la ETSIINF
Application deadlines
Application forms and attachments
Arrival at Madrid and first steps
Degree Programs
Tuition Language
Spanish Courses
News, groups and websites
Other sites offering information of interest
We would like, in the first place, to extend a warm welcome to all exchange students that have opted for a stay at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid's Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos -ETSIINF- (formerly Facultad de Informática). We are delighted that you have chosen the ETSIINF to complete your exchange programme, and we are convinced that your studies and your stay in Spain will be very enjoyable and valuable for your academic and professional career, and your personal growth and development.
This page lists useful information for international exchange students intending to study at the ETSIINF.
If you do not find the information that you are looking for here, do not hesitate to contact the External Relations Office, who will be only too pleased to help you.
International students interested in studying at the ETSIINF should contact the international office at their own university or higher education institution to check whether or not there is a student exchange agreement in place.
If there is an agreement, students will be able to apply for admission through their international offices.
If there is no such agreement, students should ask at their international offices about the possibility of an agreement being set up. If this is not possible, students have the option of applying for admission as a visiting student (free mover) (See the more info here).
1 June: for year-long and Autumn-term stays
1 December: for Spring-term stays
The sending university's international coordinator or office should forward applications together with the documents listed below to the ETSIINF's International Office.
Documents for all exchange programmes:
Special-purpose ERASMUS+ programme documents:
Special-purpose SMILE programme documents:
Special-purpose bilateral agreement documents:
Special-purpose visiting student (free mover) forms:
Upon reception of the application form and the above documents, the ETSIINF's International Office will examine the documents and, if applicable, admit the students. Within the 4-5 weeks after receiving the application, the External Relations Office will send the students if they are o not admitted to the programme. Students admitted to the programme will receive a letter of admission from the ETSIINF, together with a signed learning agreement and useful information for exchange students.
Non-European students must apply for visa to enter Spain. They must apply at the Spanish Embassy or Consulate in their home countries.
European students must provide themselves with the European Health Insurance Card at their home countries or they must contract a private one.
Non-European students must contract a private health insurance, including repatriation, at their home countries at the same time they apply for visa.
UPM offers the posibility to contract ONCAMPUS insurance.
The ETSIINF is located at the Campus de Montegancedo.
One of the first things that students should do upon arrival at Madrid is to visit the External Relations Office at the ETSIINF and register. Upon registration students will be given all the information they need to become a ETSIINF student. The International Office is responsible for all the mobility procedures.
Degree programmes taught at the ETSIINF at present, are the the following:
Undergraduate degree in informatics engineering. Subjects are organized on a semester basis, and students earn ECTS credits. See calendar, timetable and examination dates and times (in Spanish).
Undergraduate degree in mathematics and informatics. Subjects are organized on a semester basis, and students earn ECTS credits. See calendar, timetable and examination dates and times.
Master in Informatics Engineeringis a professional master's degree, where subjects are organized on a semester basis, and students earn ECTS credits. See calendar and timetable.
European Master on Software Engineering. Subjects are organized on a semester basis, and students earn ECTS credits. Level B2 English proficiency (Common European Reference Framework for Languages) is required to take courses from this master. The students should have to prove their language proficiency with official certificates (IELTS, FIRST, CAE, CPE, TOEFL, TOEIC) or certificates from their home universities. See calendar, timetable and examination dates and times.
Master in Artificial Intelligence is a research master's degree, where subjects are organized on a semester basis, and students earn ECTS credits. See calendar, timetable and examination dates and times.
Master in Software and Systems is a research master's degree, where subjects are organized on a semester basis, and students earn ECTS credits. See calendar, timetable and examination dates and times.
There are different calendars in force for the 2016/17 academic year according to each programme. Please check each calendar programme to choose the proper one
Timetables are set and cannot be changed. Students are responsible for putting together a programme of studies in which there is no overlap between lectures and seminars.
Examination dates and times are set and cannot be changed
Students do not have to register for an examination. Officially enrolled students are entitled to two examination sessions (ordinary -January/June- and deferred/referred -July-). Students are advised to look up the dates and times of both sessions for their respective degree programmes.
All exchange students will enroll exclusively through the International Office.
To enroll, students will have to have duly completed the learning agreement stating the subjects that they actually intend to take. Any changes that need to be made to the original learning agreement should be completed no later than ten days as of the course starting date. Exchange students must confirm that the original content of the learning agreement is valid and correct or notify the International Office of any changes to the learning agreement as soon as possible during these ten days. In the event of modifications, the International Office will rework the learning agreement and forward it to the sending university. Students that fail to meet this requirement will NOT be allowed to enrol.
Students will not be allowed to modify the learning agreement at any other time during the academic year. For this reason, they would be well advised to assure that the subjects listed in the learning agreement are the ones that they really intend to take and are taught in the right semester, and that there are no timetable overlaps with other subjects.
The enrollment will be done on a semester basis. Each semester has an enrolment period (July-September and January-February).
After enrolment, students will be advised by electronic mail to apply on-line for a @alumnos.upm.es email accounts. Students need this email address to access UPM and ETSIINF network services (Politécnica Virtual, distance learning services, wireless network, electronic mail, etc.).
Most lectures, especially in undergraduate programmes, are delivered in Spanish. In some master's degree programmes lectures are given in English and Spanish, and European master's degrees are taught in English only. Consult the subject learning guide to find out the tuition language.
On the above grounds, students should have a Level B1 Spanish proficiency (Common European Reference Framework for Languages). The students should have to prove their language proficiency with official certificates or certificates from their home universities. Those who can not prove that level, should attend Spanish programme organized by PROLINTER UPM for International students.
Through its Language Programme for International Students (PROLINTER), the UPM offers a range of Spanish language courses for exchange students that are visiting any of its schools or colleges.
There are many reasons for learning Spanish. The first is that most of the degree programmes at the ETSIINF are taught in Spanish, and students are advised to take some sort of Spanish course to be able to properly understand lectures and seminars. Second, Spanish is an essential tool for dealing with Spaniards and sorting out everyday matters. Last but not least, Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. For this reason, it is worthwhile making the most of the chance to learn and practise Spanish during your stay in Madrid.
Exchange students have a choice of Spanish programmes: summer courses, intensive courses, regular courses applied to science and technology, DELE (SFL Diploma) examinations, etc. Additionally, exchange students can benefit from special prices.
For more information on schedules, timetables, application dates, etc., visit PROLINTER.
Unfortunately ETSIINF does not provide accommodation facilities, such as halls of residence or dormitories, but you can find information for accommodation at UPM website
Note that Madrid is a very expensive city to live, so that you have to reckon an estimated amount of 350€ per month for a room in a shared flat, plus a similar amount as a down payment. Prices vary depending on the area.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ETSIINF
Twitter: @informaticaupm
UPM International Students Guide