Doctoral Degree in Advanced Computing for Science and Engineering
This programme is intended to supply laboratories and research centres with trained research support personnel in fields where computer-based simulation and modelling is essential, such as the aerospace sector or scientific fields like biotechnology (genomics, proteomics, neuroscience) or materials science (nanotechnology, etc.) where Spain has a prominent position. Graduates of the doctorate programme should:
- Be able to address and solve scientific and technological problems in the field of advanced computing through an independent and original research project that moves forwards the boundaries of knowledge.
- Disseminate the research results through peer-reviewed scientific publications in the field with recognized impact factor.
- Be able to prepare, evaluate and/or criticize new scientific research and/or technological development proposals in the field of advanced computing and its application to science and engineering.
- Be qualified to opt for a job requiring doctorate qualifications, such as postdoctoral researcher, university lecturer, researcher at institutes or in industry, and other jobs requiring creativity, leadership and management in the technological field.
- Appreciate scientific activity as a profession and its ethical implications for society.
- Be able to innovate and contribute novel solutions to the technical field of advanced computing, simulation, and both theoretical and applied data analysis or visualization.
Prospective Students
The Advanced Computing for Science and Engineering Doctorate Programme targets engineering, experimental sciences and mathematics graduate students and professionals. The programme also targets students from multidisciplinary studies, like bioinformatics, computational neuroscience or similar.
Students should have:
- An interest in research and in learning advanced computing methods and tools
- A positive attitude towards the integration of non-homogeneous machines
- An ability to adapt to and communicate in diverse scientific/technological environments
- Knowledge of the Spanish and English languages.
Profiles for ICT graduates:
- Master in Advanced Computing for Science and Engineering
- Licenciado1 in Computing
- Ingeniero1 in Computing
- Ingeniero Técnico2 in Management Systems
- Ingeniero Técnico2 in Computer Systems
- Ingeniero Técnico2 Superior in Telecommunications
- Ingeniero Técnico2 in Telecommunications
- Ingeniero Técnico2 Superior in Industrial Engineering
- Ingeniero Técnico2 in Industrial Engineering
Profile for other engineering/science graduates:
- Ingeniero Técnico Superior1 or Ingeniero Técnico2 in Aeronautical, Civil, Materials Engineering or similar
- Licenciado1 in Mathematics, Physics or other experimental sciences
- Licenciado1 in Biology, Medicine or other Bio-Health specialities
- Licenciado1 in Economics
- Taught period
Associated with the UPM's Master in Advanced Computing for Science and Engineering.
- Research Period
Consolidated research groups and associated research lines:
- Quantum Information and Computing Group:
- High-performance computing
- Data Mining Engineering – DaME Group:
- Data mining
- Bio-mining
- Heuristic optimization
- Intelligent Systems Group:
- Soft computing
- Human-computer interaction
- Description logics - learning
- Singular Systems and Generalized Inverses Group:
- Approximation and numerical processing theory
- Operator theory
- Orthogonal Polynomials and Fractal Geometry Group:
- Infinite matrices and operator theory
- Moments and approximation theory
- Orthogonal polynomials and fractal measures
- Digital and computational topology
- Fractals and Applications in Soil and Environmental Sciences Group
- Fractal theory and applications
- Signal and Image Processing Applied to Informatics Group
- Multi-spectral image processing and analysis
- Self-organizing maps for multi-dimensional data analysis and visualization
- Remote sensing
- Mathematical Foundations for Software Computing Group
- Fuzzy logic
- Neural networks
- Cajal Blue Brain Project
- Advanced visualization
- Image analysis
- Neuromorphological modelling
- Data analysis and categorization
- Optimization
- Research lines of professors not attached to research groups:
- Parallelism and cluster systems exploitation
- Interactive and multi-scale visualization
- Modelling and simulation
- Computational geometry
Contact person
Administrative Officer: Carmen Parro 91 3367387
Coordinator:Ángel Rodríguez 91 336 73 71
How much does this master's degree cost?
You can check public prices for 2012-2013 academic year here.
There is a wide range of grants available to students to fund their studies.
To gain admission to the Doctoral Degree in Advanced Computing for Science and Engineering, students must register online.
1 Licenciado, Ingeniero and Ingeniero Técnico Superior are two-cycle, five-year degree courses.
2 Ingeniero Técnico and Diplomado are one-cycle, three-year degree courses.